Ten points to remember when creating schedules for new schedulers!

As a new scheduler, creating optimized schedules for associates can be overwhelming and anxiety-inducing. Let me help alleviate those emotions and provide guidance!

1. Align with the business's Hours of Operations to determine the necessary schedule coverage. For example, if other departments or vendors provide support, you may not need schedules for all hours of operations.

2. Determine the number of associates eligible and ineligible for new shifts. This will help you create the right number of schedules for specific hours.

3. Consult the business owner for specific constraints to consider, such as consecutive days off, maximum and minimum hours per day or week, and breaks and lunch cadences.

4. Decide whether to prioritize maximizing customer experience for the majority or providing consistent experience for all clients. This will influence the staffing levels during peak and non-peak hours.

5. Provide the business with a few schedule options that balance employee-friendly (more consecutive days off) and business-friendly (fewer consecutive days off) schedules.

6. Create a flexible scheduling timeline and maintain regular meetings with operations to accommodate any necessary adjustments.

7. Anticipate attrition and plan for gaps by creating schedules with built-in redundancy. This ensures coverage during intervals when associates are on vacation, sick leave, or attrite.

8. Don't hesitate to seek assistance from your boss, operational leaders, or experienced schedulers when you encounter difficulties. Collaborating and bouncing ideas off others is encouraged.

9. Remember that schedules are not meant to be permanent. As associates attrite or new hires join, adjustments will be required. This is a natural part of the business.

10. Lastly, understand that schedules don't have to be 100% optimal. Mistakes happen, and there will always be opportunities to make improvements in future shift changes. Don't stress about achieving perfection.

Good luck with your scheduling tasks! I have full confidence in your ability to excel in this role!

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Jamie Larson