Optimizing Customer Experience: Understanding Frequent Flyer Analysis

Optimizing Customer Experience: Understanding Frequent Flyer Analysis

Frequent Flyers are customers who engage with the contact center more often than others. It's crucial to understand that being a frequent flier doesn't necessarily indicate an ignorant or malicious client. Instead, it could highlight a bottleneck or breakdown in the customer journey process that requires investigation and resolution. Conducting a Frequent Flyer Analysis periodically is essential to comprehend broken processes, strike a balance between providing superior customer experience, and optimizing operational expenses.

To complete the Frequent Flyer Analysis, I follow these five steps:

1. Group and Order: Organize clients based on the number of interactions and handle time. Workload can be assessed by multiplying interactions with handle time.

2. Create Descriptive Statistics: Develop a distribution table or histogram for simple descriptive statistical analysis. This includes measures such as Median, Standard Deviation, Average, and Quartiles.

3. Define Frequent Fliers: Collaborate with the operations team to set the threshold for frequent fliers based on the descriptive analysis and discussions.

4. Identify Process Issues: Use the array of frequent flier IDs to explore the customer journey table and investigate the types of processes prompting customer contacts.

5. Bonus Analysis: If accessible, leverage revenue data to establish a ratio between contacts and revenue generated by each client, understanding that high revenue-generating clients may naturally have more queries due to their diverse range of products and services it utilizes. 

This analysis naturally leads to categorizing clients based on their utilization of contact center resources. Setting different service level targets for each client group becomes crucial to optimize operating expenses. Some guiding principles for businesses include:

- Avoiding Lengthy Wait Times: For low-value frequent fliers, minimize significant wait times without being punitive towards the client.

- Sensible Client Segmentation: Limit excessive segmentation to avoid administrative challenges and unattainable targets for each segment.

- Starting Simple: Begin with a basic frequent flier classification system before progressing to more complex methods. Launching a simpler threshold system allows learning and gradual improvement.

Frequent Flyer Analysis serves as a strategic tool to enhance customer service efficiency, strike the right balance between customer satisfaction and operational costs, and enable iterative improvements based on real-time data and insights.

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Jamie Larson