How Clear Objectives Transform Work Prioritization

How Clear Objectives Transform Work Prioritization

Early in my career, completing a simple to-do list sufficed as a measure of success. Things were more straightforward back then. However, as I progressed into senior roles, the scenario changed significantly. I came to realize a few crucial points: A) There's no longer a single to-do list but rather numerous stakeholders with their own lists of what they deem essential. B) There's no guiding hand to assist in discerning which list or items take priority. To achieve success, I learned the importance of prioritization. However, even before that, I needed to step back and establish a clear objective that would serve as the guiding light for setting priorities.

Setting the department's objective is of importance. Taking the time to define this objective upfront proves to be a substantial time-saver for both yourself and your team down the line. For instance, one of the objectives I set was to maintain a consistent service level of x% while continuously enhancing operational metrics like Cost per Ticket by Y%. This statement swiftly helped filter out new initiatives that didn’t align with our goal. It also provided a solid reason to stakeholders for why their initiatives might not be pursued. Of course, if after discussion they could demonstrate how their initiative aligns with the objective, reconsideration was possible. Crucially, this clarity empowered my team to prioritize their workload. They didn’t have to run every task by me and could use their judgment in decision-making. Moreover, it also informed stakeholders about which initiatives the workforce management team would focus on. Some stakeholders found this objective particularly helpful as it guided them in self-regulating the number of initiatives requiring WFM support, thus saving their time and resources.

Establishing a clear objective is the linchpin for effective prioritization and streamlined decision-making within a professional setting. It not only assists in sieving through various tasks but also empowers teams and informs stakeholders, leading to more efficient use of resources and time.

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Jamie Larson