Driving Contact Center Excellence: Powering Performance with Two Key Metrics

Driving Contact Center Excellence: Powering Performance with Two Key Metrics

Data abundance has revolutionized contact centers, unleashing a torrent of performance metrics. Amidst this wealth of information, distinguishing core business metrics from the rest can be perplexing. Let me share two meticulously tracked metrics that guide my contact center operations.

First Metric: Operational Efficiency

This metric represents how efficiently the contact center is operating. The numerator captures the cost of running the contact center, be it total compensation or Full-Time Equivalents. The denominator is an indicator of topline revenue such as number of transactions, customers, or sales. A decreasing ratio signifies improved operational efficiency, while an increasing ratio indicates inefficiency. It's crucial to analyze the components contributing to the ratio and strive to decrease it over time.

The example below the Monthly total $ compensation over the # of active clients.

Second Metric: Customer Satisfaction

Here, we gauge the level of customer contentment with our contact center services. For instance, we employ service level as a proxy metric, measuring prompt responses to client queries. Net promoter score, turnaround time, and abandonment rate are other viable options. Choose a core metric that reflects customer satisfaction, as it holds the key to success.

I used service level below because service level is a metric that demands careful consideration. Striving for an optimal range, organizations aim to avoid overstaffing or understaffing. These factors significantly impact the operational efficiency mentioned earlier. Discover how service level drives success in your contact center.

Reviewing both metrics together provides insights into how effectively the business is being run while maintaining customer satisfaction. By focusing on improving these two metrics, you can become an outstanding operator.

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Jamie Larson