Boosting Productivity in Workforce Management: Harnessing ChatGPT's Power

Boosting Productivity in Workforce Management: Harnessing ChatGPT's Power

Large language model-based chatbots, such as ChatGPT, have undeniably revolutionized the way many of us approach analytical work. Workforce Management (WFM) is not exempt from the influence of these generative AI systems, and I'm here to embrace this change to enhance my productivity in my WFM role. With that in mind, I'd like to share some of the ways I've utilized ChatGPT:

1. Troubleshooting SQL and Python Code: We've all been there—stuck for hours, unable to make our code run smoothly. Instead of endlessly scouring Google search results or Stack Overflow, I can now simply copy and paste the code into ChatGPT. While it may not provide a perfect solution every time, it offers more tailored suggestions to help troubleshoot the code.

2. Generating Foundational Code: Personally, I'm not a fan of writing administrative code, so I've tasked ChatGPT with doing it for me. In WFM, connecting to vendor API endpoints to extract data is a common task. Each vendor has distinct methods for accessing these endpoints—be it through an API Key, OAuth Credentials, and so on. I often ask ChatGPT to generate code that facilitates access to these API endpoints. While it's not flawless, it gets me about 70% of the way there.

3. Summarizing Lengthy Articles: Before delving into technical concepts buried within pages of documentation, I rely on ChatGPT to provide me with digestible, high-level summaries of articles. My favorite prompt is: "Summarize this article in 3 main points and explain it to me as if I were an elementary school student." This approach consistently delivers!

4. Presenting Both Sides of an Argument: This use goes beyond work-related tasks. When I'm forming an opinion on a subject, I engage ChatGPT to help me outline both sides of the argument. It excels at creating comprehensive representations of opposing viewpoints. Next time, try entering "What are the reasons to increase agent occupancy in a contact center?" and "What are the reasons not to increase agent occupancy in a contact center?"

These are the primary ways in which I leverage ChatGPT. Nevertheless, it's crucial to bear in mind that, for now at least, it's essential to verify the responses generated by these LLM interactions. Ultimately, you still retain the authority to accept or reject their answers, and you should certainly exercise that prerogative!

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Jamie Larson